35 – Introducing, Kurt Barlow/ The Serial Killer Challenge

Meet Kurt Barlow. New owner at 205 Custer Boulevard and our resident ‘Serial Killer’.

Bianca Monty, Don Lothario & Lola Curious-Smith drop by to welcome Kurt to the neighbourhood.

However Kurt doesn’t socialize well and retreats to the back of the room to eat, while his house-guests chat among themselves.

Before long though, Kurt has managed to lure Bruce Rauscher & Danielle Lillard into his make-shift holding pen as the oblivious house-guests continue to amuse themselves.

Meet Odin.

Bruce wants Odin’s cake…

Bye Bruce.

Danielle also wants Odin’s cake…

Fortunately for Danielle, it appears she’s a little too ripe for his tastes.

This does not positively affect Kurt’s plans and he provides some basic hygiene facilities.

Meanwhile, Kurt has lured another passer-by in, this time Linda Barthelet, who goes straight for Odin’s cake, with predictable results.

Danielle is beginning to lose track of reality.

Linda joins Bruce on the shelf.

Which is a shame as Kurt kinda like her.

Despite his anti-social nature. Kurt’s prisoner numbers are running low and he decides to head to a nightclub to find more ‘friends’.

Having made inroads into more possible victims, Kurt heads home to refine his strategy.

For reasons known only to Kurt, he opts to sleep in the spare room.

Score Summary: While not playing strictly for the points, I have decided to keep track.

Capturing Bruce Rauscher +20
Capturing Danielle Lillard +20
Capturing Linda Barthelet +20
= 60 Points

Odin (Cowplant) eating Bruce Rauscher +30
Odin eating Linda Barthelet +30
= 60 Points

Allowing the escape of;
Don Lothario -50
Goneril Capp -50
Lola Curious-Smith -50
= -150 Points

Total = -30 Points

4 Comments on “35 – Introducing, Kurt Barlow/ The Serial Killer Challenge”

  1. What are the “rules”?
    Is there a door for your potential victims to come & go as they please? Or are they trapped by the player.

  2. Hey aclayjar,

    The rules can be found here: https://myworldnet.work/blogs/ttsh-34/

    It’s not particularly clear but there’s a door in the back right corner of the garage which is unlocked when luring someone new in. The house is open to all as normal, i.e. no random Townies can simply wander in (although this is not unknown on other households) but nothing is specifically locked.

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