58: What Now?

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A combination of mindless tinkering with the inner workings of the game and undoubtedly many many duplicated CC files, and some misbehaving 3rd party software have brought The Trials And Tribulations Of Sim Heights to an end.

With the benefit of re-publishing hindsight, many mistakes were made throughout the blogging of Sim Heights, not least of which the fact that I apparently ignored Riverbloosom Hills entirely, which in all likelihood contributed to it’s early demise. The original, if unplanned, final post of TTSH was indeed the truly awful second round suffered by Jennifer Burb, less so John as he caused much of the heartache, however when pulling together all the various bits of content scattered to the wind, I discovered the images for a Broke Household, Dustin Broke and Angela (Pleasant) Broke, round so rather than simply have it be confined to the archive, decided to post it, hence the slightly out of order end to the blog.

Most heartfelt thanks to those who read the blog over the years, even more so to those who dedicated time to leaving a comment. Thanks must also go to those who allowed use of their likeness, as much as I’m sure they regret it now (names were changed to protect the innocent where requested). While I cringed, many many times while re-reading, it was a fun nostalgia trip and I became genuinely attached to my Little Computer People (kudos to those who got that reference without having to click the link), I look forward to further Sims-related chaos in future!

A new blog “Stranger Sims” is in the works, can be found at Stranger Sims, and will feature many of, though not all, Sims featured throughout TTSH.

On the basis that they do not apply to any specific post and wishing to not simply discard, find below a couple of humourous images. First where I attempted to have the O’Mackeys reconcile, only to have Gabe O’Mackey fall asleep into his food as Alexandra simply looked on. And another where Tanya Metcalfe came out to greet the newspaper deliverer, stark naked, for absolutely no good reason.

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