49 – Introducing, The Pleasant Household

Introducing The Pleasant Household. Daniel & Mary-Sue. Owners of 215 Sim Lane, Pleasantview, Sim Heights.

First Floor, L to R; Angela’s Bedroom, Bathroom, Lilith’s Bedroom.

Ground Floor, Clockwise from Top Left; Daniel & Mary-Sue’s Bedroom, En-Suite, Toilet, Dining Room, Kitchen, Lounge.

Daniel keeps himself in top condition.

In more ways than one.

Mary-Sue is home from work and seeing Daniel & Kaylynn through the window, is straight on the phone to Dirk Dreamer.

Daniel & Mary-Sue kept the illusion of happy families up while Angela & Lilith were present but with the twins in their respective marital homes, Kaylynn brazenly walks past Mary-Sue in her underwear.

Daniel is on the phone to sister Jennifer Burb as Mary-Sue makes a point of greeting Dirk just feet away.

Mary-Sue banishes Daniel from the Matrimonial Bedroom.

Before celebrating Dirk’s moving in.

Daniel vows to move in, the next female he sees, which just happens to be Goneril Capp.

Kaylynn, who had been in the pool during this, is not best pleased by the new developments.

Sending Kaylynn home, Daniel makes sure both Dirk and Mary-Sue are in plain sight when he kisses Goneril and invites her to Move In.

Before taking her upstairs to his new Bedroom (Formerly Lilith’s).

Meanwhile Goneril’s three girls have moved in with her. Desdemona settles down in front of the TV.

As Miranda settles Ariel into their new Bedroom.

Astonishingly, both couples settle down for clear the air talks as midnight hits.

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