36 – Introducing, Gary McKay

Introducing Gary McKay. New owner of 210 Sim Lane, which he purchased for $13’410.

A basic layout is all he requires.

It’s 8am and Gary is already watching TV.

Gary decides to look for work and fetches the newspaper.

Finding Vacancies as a File Clerk in the Law Career.

As an Art student.

Or as a Handy Man.

Gary is pleasantly surprised when, after a telephone interview, the File Clerk job is his! Also, he starts immediately, and is already late!

Abigail Stein, Bella Goth & Cornwall Capp arrive to welcome Gary to the neighbourhood, but he is unfortunately still at work…

Gary comes home from work and splashes in the puddles. Something which he did for 3 hours. Yes Ladies, he’s single.

A quick shower later and Gary decides he needs some human contact. He seems delighted to speak to the Taxi Operator and is soon on his way Downtown.

Arriving at the Crypt O’ Night club.

And before long has ousted the resident DJ, Ramin Zarubin, and is giving it a go himself!

Earning a skill point in the process.

Though he still has a way to go!

Finishing his short set, Gary becomes a ‘Meet & Greet’ machine.

Nina Caliente
Amy Leive
Amanda Alotto
Johnny Smith
Nadim Shema
Craig Brownlie
Chloe Tse (who seemed VERY
pleased to meet Gary)
Tiffany Ku

Gary turns the charm on Chloe.

They opt to mark the occasion with some photos.

It’s been an eventful evening and Gary calls a Taxi home.

Chloe promises she’ll call.

Why is Marsha Jones, the Atrociously Evil Witch, so happy…?

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