25 – Introducing, The Goth Household

Meet the Goth Family. Mortimer, the recently returned Bella, Cassandra & Alexander. Long-time residents of 165 Sim Lane, Pleasantview.

Second Floor: Contemplation area and access to roof deck.

First Floor: 1. Main Upper Bathroom, 2. Alexander’s En-suite, 3. Alexander’s Bedroom, 4. Cassandra’s Bedroom, 5. Hallway, 6. Mortimer & Bella’s Bedroom.

Ground Floor: 1. Downstairs Toilet, 2. Main Hallway, 3. Lounge, 4. Dining Room, 5. Kitchen, 6. Family Graveyard.

Before long, Mortimer will be home alone. Just how he likes it these days.

Alexander, Bella & Cassandra have breakfast before they head out.

Bella faces a conundrum at work.

Which thankfully goes in her favour.

Cassandra also faces a conundrum at work.

Which doesn’t.

Alexander has grown up.

Though is still painfully ‘Alexander’, and is in desperate need of an image change.

Perhaps he could consider getting into shape, maybe he can increase his energy levels, then he wont fall asleep in his Spaghetti…

Malcolm Landgraab IV stops by to visit Cassandra and either believes Alexander is dead, or is expressing his desire for an heir, as Mortimer juggles cups.

The dust settles on the Goth day and the household are all bed as midnight hits.

With the power of re-publishing magic, Cassandra has the day off and is up bright and early to take Alexander to Cold Issue Clothing for a much-needed image change.

Alexander is trying on clothes, and Cassandra passes time by perusing the magazine rack, as Nathan Gavigan patiently waits.

Back at home, Mortimer is enjoying his alone time by clearing leaves in the garden.

A dapper (for him at least) Alexander returns from School and has brought a friend home with him.

Bella is still at work and Cassandra has made Lunch Meat Sandwiches for lunch.

Alexander however is otherwise engaged.

Following her shift, Bella is informed she has been promoted!

As much as money is never going to be an issue, Alexander is keen to pay his own way and geings seeking employment. Finding vacancies as a Button Masher.

Locker Room Attendant.

Credit Checker.


Or finally, in his preferred career track, as a Test Subject.

Evening falls on Day 2 and Bella is in bed.

As is Cassandra.

A somewhat confused Mortimer however, gets into the wrong bed, beside his Daughter.

Realising, Cassandra immediately gets out of bed.

And gets in with her Mother.

Alexander meanwhile has let his homework slip and gets on with it.

Alexander had been in bed however with his first day in the Science career tomorrow, he’s restless and cannot sleep.

Some Stargazing will surely cure what ails him.

Her sleep pattern now disrupted, Cassandra decides a shower will help her relax and hopefully assist in going tback to sleep.

Stargazing has done the trick and put Alexander back into a Platinum mood.

He’s convinced her saw something though, and has another look through the Telescope.

With unforeseen consequences…

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