Meet Matthew & Jessica Picaso. New owners of 70 Middle Lane.
First floor, Bedroom and Balcony, with workout equipment.
Ground floor: Bathroom, and Kitchen/ Lounge.
Brian Tan drops off the newspaper. No-one is home as Matthew & Jessica both work 7am – 1pm in Sim City Special Forces.
Gavin Butler and Mary & Nathan Gavigan have arrived to welcome the Picasos to the neighbourhood. Matthew & Jessica arrive home just in time.
Jessica has brought Marigold Gardner home from work.
Everyone is gathered in the Lounge.
Apart from Gavin & Matthew who are chatting outside.
Jessica works out.
Meanwhile Matthew is looking to invest in a business.
Matthew has bought The Corner Shop and has plans to quit his job and run it himself.
Jessica gains a point of Body skill.
As the guests leave, Matthew & Jessica head to their new business.
Matthew & Jessica install some quick money-making objects to get things started while they work on getting new their own stock into production.
The shop isn’t even open yet but there’s already some interested customers as JJ Awon, Nancy Santander & Sanjay Ramaswami gather outside.
Matthew has made some Hot Dogs to feed the waiting customers as he shows his new employees their duties.
Gillian Jones has been hired as a cashier (Matthew chose the uniform).
And Tara DeBateau as a Sales Assistant.
JJ has taken a liking to Tara.
Matthew splashes in the puddle…
A promising start ends in an unproductive evening as the ‘Customers’ mainly stayed outside playing Kicky Bag and all that was sold were some cans of soft drink from the vending machine.
The Picasos head home.
With the business slow on the uptake, Matthew & Jessica have not yet quit their jobs in the Sim City army. It’s been a long day and they have an early rise ahead, Jessica is already in bed and Matthew quickly follows.