14 – Douglas: Round 2

The early hours of Day 4, Fletcher is overcome by exhaustion, only Jordan is actually sleeping in a bed, and Arya Stark is is happily tucking into the burnt food.

The following morning the older kids are at school and Elise Knight falls back on her tried and tested method of simply handing out bottles.

On this occasion it seems to have worked. Elise settles Kelly-Anne into her crib as Anne-Marie & William grab a quick huggle.

Jordan and Kathryn bring home some school friends, Bran Stark & Gallagher Newson.

Before we know it, the toddlers are growing up. Anne-Marie is first. Kelly-Anne takes Fletcher, who was bringing her a bottle, by surprise. And finally William as Bran & Gallagher talk sports, oblivious.

The kids all seem to have a like of Nature, Fishing in particular.

The kids continue to be popular at school and Kathryn brings home Tina Traveller.

However it’s only a few hours before Trisha Traveller comes round to collect her, citing how late it is.

Fletcher turns on the charm with Anne Suzuki and seems to be making progress.

Just as the household has adjusted to the 3 youngsters growing up, Jordan and Kathryn are only 24 hours away from becoming Teenagers.

Amazingly, after the carnage that was Round 1 in the Douglas household, the kids are an absolute dream and the house is spotless as Day 6 comes to a close with an early night for everyone.

Jordan wakes up to take care of his hunger need and even though he requires two bowls to satisfy his Hunger, Kathryn, who woke up for no good reason, keeps putting the serving bowl back in the fridge. 3 times she did this…

Prosperity Scoring:

Population: 19 Sims 19 Points
Penalties: 2 Sims fired due to poor work performance -2 Points
Total Score: 17 Points

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