12 – Sharkey: Round 1

Roger & Hanalaura have purchased 4 Prosperity Road where they hope to make their new start here in Sim Valley.

Spending an additional $3000, they have made some internal renovations to accomodate their growing family.

They waste no time in ensuring the kids have a positive impression of their new home. Looking to make the best possible impressions and despite being excused, Hanalaura has decided to adhere strictly to the Sim Valley education curriculum and heads to school.

Two kids are going to be more than Roger can handle and he calls in the services of Nanny, Elise Knight.

Then simply leaves the kids outside playing as he watches TV.

Thankfully Elise Knight arrives just a few minutes later.

Roger has taken an immediate dislike to her.

With Maxwell playing in the WC, Roger gets up…

…To collect the newspaper.

Deciding he needs to start earning cash, he begins practicing his painting.

Stopping briefly to greet the one-man welcoming committee of Richard Goldstein.

Hanalaura has settled in well at school and has brought home a friend, Harley Goldstein.

She takes a few moments to play with Edward.

Before sitting down to complete her homework. Harley has joined dad Richard on the sofa and Roger continues his painting.

Maxwell has a full bladder and Hanalaura takes the chance to try potty training. Which is not successful

Edward is next.

With the same outcome.

With the kids sorted, Hanalaura is able to sit down with Roger and have some dinner.

Before they head to bed.

The following day, Edward refuses to move out of the puddle made by the broken shower until Roger has read him a story.

And Elise Knight, the PAID Nanny, decided to brush up on her painting skills…

Day 3 and Hanalaura’s Fun is close to bottoming out, as is Roger’s Social. A poorly placed dartboard doesn’t help.

Some re-arranging later and we are back from the brink(s).

As midnight approaches on the end of Round One, Hanalaura is even able to teach both kids to walk, though neither are Potty Trained or able to Talk…

Prosperity Scoring:

Population: 19 Sims 19 Points
Penalties: 2 Sims fired due to poor work performance -2 Points
Total Score: 17 Points

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