07 – Bradshaw: Round 1

Millie Bradshaw has purchased 8 Shore Street to begin her new life here in Prosperity Ridge.

On the ground floor, the Kitchen, large entrance hallway, Living Room and Joseph’s Bedroom.

Upstairs, Millie’s Bedroom, the Bathroom and a large upper hallway which has been converted into a Bedroom for Emelia & Meaghan.

Eager for the kids to get a good education, they are sent off to their first day of school immediately. Millie spends the morning relaxing in front of the TV.

A one-man-welcoming-committee, this time just Roger Sharkey, drops by to welcome Millie to the Neighbourhood.

Joseph seems to be settling in at school and has brought classmate, Hanalaura Sharkey, home with him.

Roger proceeds to gossip to his wife about recently meeting simlebrity Ewan McGregor.

Joseph’s Fun and Social’s are a little low so he is directed to play ‘Kicky Bag’ with Hanalaura and surprisingly, Millie takes part for a short time before cheering them on from the side-lines.

Emelia & Meaghan return from school, with Emelia bringing schoolfriend Arya Stark home with her. I genuinely thought Joseph had been killed by the School Bus but thankfully all was well.

The whole family, plus Arya & Allyn Thomason who randomly walked by, Smustle, though Joseph didn’t seem to get the hang of it…

It’s 3am on Day 2,m the household are sleeping except Joseph who is up playing SSX 3.

With her kids at school, Millie builds some skill points by cleaning.

Joseph returns from School and immediately is looking for work. The Adventurer career path pays more but Joseph decides the Military offers greater long-term prospects and enlists.

The girls return from School and today Meaghan brings a friend home, this time Kathryn Douglas.

It’s not long before the girls are bonding over a game of SSX 3.

Homework time for Emelia and Meaghan as Kathryn chats to Millie over the Dining Room table. Those stinky plates are bugged and so far no one has been able to remove them, or thankfully, eat from them.

The strategy of having the girls Fun and Socialise immediately on returning from School then getting their homework done seems to be paying off as both girls grades are on the up.

Day 3 has Millie meeting music legend George Harrison.

Who offers her a job with his Private Security firm.

Millie accepts though since it’s just after 17:00 at this point and she makes no effort to leave for work I’m not sure how long she’ll have this job!

Prosperity Scoring:

Population: 19 Sims 19 Points
Total Score: 19 Points

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