When Joseph and Millie were abducted by Aliens, Millie was returned pregnant with twins, Joseph wasn’t returned at all… Millie has since entered her twilight years, the babies have grown into young girls and young Joseph Jr has to choose between his desire to to step into his father’s shoes and help his mother raise his young siblings and his mother’s desire that he get a decent education and forge a career for himself. The Bradshaw’s are based on the Antonius family created by Prosperity Challenge Group members and made available by ASimWen via her ‘The Sims 2 – The Fellowship’ Facebook Page. Tori Antonius has been aged up to Elder in order to portray Millie Bradshaw, husband Rylan aged down and converted into her teenage son Joseph, daughter Paige Antoius was aged down to child and became Meaghan Bradshaw, Priscilla Antonius aged up to child and made into Emelia Bradshaw, and Pierce Antonius sadly being discarded.