07 – Asland: Round 3

Asland Entertainment has outgrown the front room and Dominic’s first course of action is to find a new venue.

The purchase is complete.

With the house being renovated, the Siblings require a temporary place to live, opting for a converted trailer very close to the Stein Household(s).

Following a relatively minor renovation, the home is suitable for the twins.

Dominic headed off to the Rapid Racers Roller Rink and Kara’s first act was to invite Consort to move in. Consort agrees (He initially brought Oberon Summerdream with, though being completely ignored, Oberon quietly left unnoticed at some point).

Dominic installs the equipment from Asland Entertainment into Rapid Racers, saving himself some money in the process.

Prices are set ‘ridiculously cheap’ in an effort to attract as many customers as possible.

The strategy seems to be paying off, with Jules O’Mackey, Mortimer Goth and Pollination Technician #9 Smith all turning up just minutes from the venue being opened.
(Author’s Note: Initially there were a pair of vending machines however EVERYONE simply crowded around them, getting in one another’s way, and not actually generating funds for the business, so they were removed.)

Dominic has officially made his first Simolean from Rapid Racers.

As the customers continue to trickle in. This time in the form of Herb Oldie, Johnny Smith and Angela Pleasant being prime examples.

After a disappointing first day, Dominic says hello to Mileena Kahn, the Atrociously Evil Witch, before heading home to consider his options.

Back at home meanwhile, Kara helps Consort settle in.

Dominic has returned home, and is completely nonplussed to find his sister and Consort Capp, sat in their underwear eating Mac and Cheese.

Consort has many skills, Cooking is not one of them.

This is normal, right?

In his defence, Kurt Barlow* is actually looking past Kara.
(Author’s Note: With Kurt Barlow having made an on-screen aprearance, the ‘Serial Killer Challenge’ will commence during Round 4.

But then very poorly reads the room…

Awkwardness over, Consort proposes Marriage to Kara, in the Bathroom. She accepts.

Dominic’s business has reached Level 1. Immediately following this however, he promptly falls on his backside while trying to impress Angela Pleasant.

This is normal, right?

Kara is a bit of an exhibitionist, something which is rubbing off on the previously rather prudish Consort. Poor Dominic did not even have chance to leave the room…

The round ends almost precisely where the whole thing began.

Challenge Scoring

Prosperity Scoring:
Population: 10 Sims 10 Points
Household Changes:
Household Value: $19’756 – $85’951 + $66’195
Neighbourhood Value: $250’039 2 Points
Total Score: 12 Points

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