09 – Goldstein: Round 1

6 Shore Street, new home of the Goldstein Family.

Toilet, Florian & Harley’s Bedroom and large combined Living/ Dining Room and Kitchen.

Richard’s Bedroom, with cribs for Andreas & Milan.

Perhaps not the greatest of environments but Richard means well as he sets to work with teaching Andreas to walk immediately.

Harley has settled in well at the new school and has brought school friend Dakota Fanning home.

Harley & Dakota bond over some SSX 3 and Florian shows his creative side.

As Richard prepares an evening meal for everyone.

The kids are a handful and the following morning a concerned Harley telephones for a Nanny to help out Richard.

Jill Collins arrives just as the boys are leaving for school.

In order to build both Fun & Social, Florian plays with Milan & Andreas.

Harley agrees to complete Florian’s homework as Florian and Richard get down to hardcore skilling of the toddlers.

Harley has a bad chance card result. Proving that doing the right thing isn’t always the best approach.

With 24 hours to spare, the boys (and the Nanny) have worked well together and made sure both Andreas and Milan will grow into children with all the basic skills required.

The boys done good and, as Day 3 ends, all 5 are actually sleeping at the same time!

Prosperity Scoring:

Population: 19 Sims 19 Points
Penalties: 1 Sim fired due to poor work performance -1 Point
Total Score: 18 Points

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